Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been hailed as a breakthrough, offering levels of efficiency and data analysis previously unimaginable. The legal industry, steeped in tradition and methodical approaches, hasn't remained untouched by this technological wave. While there are numerous advantages to integrating AI into legal practices, it has also introduced many challenges and complexities. One of the areas we will Read More
The Point Where Litigation Becomes Inevitable
For those who have worked with us or read our blogs, you should have noticed a trend. Generally, we underscore the significance of avoiding legal disputes. The reasoning here is that litigation can be expensive, and the financial burden of a trial can be overwhelming for both businesses and people. There are instances where a “win” doesn’t feel like one due to how it costs to get there. These proceedings can also Read More
Minnesota Bans Non-Compete Agreements
On May 16, 2023, a significant shift impacted the business landscape throughout Minnesota. Governor Tim Walz signed a bill into law that effectively banned non-compete agreements within employment contracts. Previously, businesses utilized non-compete agreements to safeguard their trade secrets and other confidential information. Essentially, they restricted an employee’s ability to compete with the employer’s Read More
Regulatory Compliance, Intellectual Property, & Cryptocurrency
While the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses will evaluate the potential for incorporating blockchain and cryptocurrency. The impetus for doing so is tied to market trends and staying relevant while reaping the benefits of increased security and transparency. Though there are advantages, businesses must examine the legal considerations associated with these new technologies. Once they know them, they Read More
Are They Obstacles Or Opportunities?
A life without adversity is one without growth. We must establish that early because we will examine why more businesses haven’t begun accepting cryptocurrency. When you read through some of our opinions and reasons why it isn’t more pervasive than it is, don’t view them as reasons why a new form of currency can’t become more mainstream. Instead, think of them as hurdles they will be forced to overcome to get there. Read More
A Key Component Of Prevention
We stated this before in our blogs and social media releases, but it is important enough to repeat: Preventing litigation is a cost-effective strategy that limits the amount of time, focus, and money that you spend on preserving your business rather than growing it. There are several components to the litigation process, and separate from the trial itself, the discovery phase may generate the highest costs. Though it Read More
Navigating Breaches Of Fiduciary Duties
Breaches of fiduciary duties are particularly damaging because they stem from those responsible for working toward the best interests of a beneficiary. This could surface in the form of sharing protected trade secrets, supporting a competitor of your business, or failing to support the board in many ways. When you or your company experiences a fiduciary breach, the consequences can be significant. If, for example, Read More
The Broad Utility Of Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
The emergence of blockchain and cryptocurrency has created the groundwork for various applications and uses. Although Bitcoin and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have gained significant attention, they don’t encompass the possible ways technology can and will be incorporated into our everyday lives. If you are old enough to remember life before computers (when everyone was hoarding compact discs with AOL minutes on them), Read More
What Is An .IO Domain & Why Are Tech Companies Drawn To Them?
If you are past your mid-to-late thirties, you have witnessed the rise of the internet. You have lived in a world when it didn’t exist and personal computers—let alone smartphones—were not something everyone had. When you think back to that time, you’ll remember people saying “W, W, W, dot” before they spelled out the web address. “Dotcom” usually ended the sentence. No one says the former anymore, and the latter is Read More
Cryptocurrency’s Impact On The Economy
Could cryptocurrency replace the U.S. dollar? There are too many evolving variables to make a finite conclusion, but too many interesting additional questions arise from that possibility to ignore. For instance, cryptocurrency is a broad term. When you ask someone how many different types there are, they will likely be way off. They may talk about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and maybe even Tether. However, there are close to Read More